
Packing products

A wide assortment of tableware & food packing products made from corn, sugar cane, bamboo and recycled material. We supplying high quality products through our worldwide partners.

我們的包裝物料很多都是環保產品, 由粟米, 甘蔗, 竹或其他再回收物料製造, 提供給世界各地的客人.


We provide strategic sourcing services across the globe, like coffee bean, dried mango, dried durian….

我們由世界各地搜索不同的食品, 如咖啡豆, 芒果乾, 榴槤乾等產品. 未來會搜索更多的產品.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our final aim! We always appoint sales representative to communicate with buyers closely about sales prospects. Our service is 24/7 available.

客人的滿足感是對我們最大的鼓勵, 時刻和客人進行溝通, 了解.